
EAI Systems has a robust Learning and Development division. This consists of our own Learning and Development division coupled with training programs run in collaboration with Pega.

EAI systems helps both our own and our clients’ employees upgrade their skill-sets with trending technology knowledgebases by taking online and offline classes conducted by our Learning and Development division. Regular classes are organized on a weekly basis. Students and employees also benefit from Pega training programs. The UAP program is one of the biggest successes for students in the recent past.

Our approach to training is based on a modular approach which gives an instant and speedy learning experience. Pega training programs are designed in such a way that individuals can learn large volumes in less time and up-skill themselves for their next level of work. EAI Systems Learning and Development wing unlocks potential and increases and validates competency levels. Learning experiences bring an innovative work environment leading to successful outcomes for both employee and employer.